Christina Russo
Barbie Blanket
This blanket was my first major sewing project. I used my mom's Barbie T-shirt collection and backed the blanket with pink flannel. Working on this blanket taught me invaluable lessons for every sewing project to come since.

KROQ Blanket
For this blanket I used my sister's collection of clothing from her time at KROQ the radio station, her favorite job. There were so many items to choose from, I decided to make the blanket double-sided.

Blink-182 Blanket
This blanket is queen size, the largest blanket I had made at the time. Intended to be used as a comforter on my sister's bed, I used her extensive collection of blink-182 clothing to make it. It is also the first blanket that I layered with batting inside for extra warmth.

Sports Memorabilia Blankets
For Christmas 2020, I was comissioned by a family friend to make these two blankets and matching pillows out of sports clothing and memorabilia from the friend's daughters' childhood sports teams and involvements. By far they were the most extensive and challenging projects I had worked on to date, but far worth the outcome when the girls opened them on Christmas Day!

Larry's Blanket
This blanket, for an old friend, was my first "real" quilt. I made it on my newly purchased quilting machine. This was the first time I made my own binding and added sashing in between the shirts in order to stylize the quilt a bit. I'm proud of how it turned out, and Larry is happy too.